
2017 Pasadena CD7 Endorsement: Andy Wilson

Primary Election day: Tuesday, March 7, 7am-8pm

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Pasadena City Council incumbent Andy Wilson has proven himself to be a consistent supporter of projects that will make the City of Pasadena safer for people on foot and bike. He has supported the adoption of a Vision Zero policy, a pilot project in the Playhouse District to remake Colorado Blvd, and expansion of bike share into Pasadena. After Terry Tornek won the mayoral election, Andy Wilson was appointed to fill the vacancy in City Council District 7 in 2015

In his response to Bike The Vote L.A., Wilson expressed his support for to prioritize walking and biking travel in Pasadena. He noted his consistent public support for the Playhouse Parklets Pilot on Colorado Blvd, his vote to adopt a Vision Zero policy, and his commitment to address intersections with high rates of crashes.

Pasadena will need bold actions as the city moves forward in achieving Vision Zero and increasing bike and walking travel in the 7th District. Proposed projects include a 2-way protected bikeway on Union Ave and continuation of the makeover of Colorado Blvd in the Playhouse District. After several years of debate, study, and funding efforts, these projects are not without their detractors, and will require strong Council support in the coming months. The Council is also expected to consider adoption of a local Vision Zero policy and program in 2017, as community support for a more comprehensive, focused effort at reducing traffic violence grows, thanks to the organizing efforts of the Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition.

Andy Wilson is the only candidate with an established track record on safe streets issues in Pasadena’s District 7. Andy Wilson has the potential to become a champion for safer, more vibrant and multi-modal streets in the City of Pasadena, and has deservedly earned Bike the Vote’s endorsement for Pasadena District 7.

(See below for Andy Wilson’s response to Bike The Vote L.A.’s Candidate Questionnaire)

1. What future do you see for active mobility and public transit in the daily lives of those who live, work, and go to school in Pasadena?

One of our guiding principles is to further embrace mobility without cars.  I love SoCal but hate sitting in traffic and impacting our environment.  I am a huge fan of mixed used cities and love Jeff Speck’s book Walkable City

2. Pasadena’s traffic is compounded by the reality that many parents and workers don’t feel safe commuting even short distances or performing school drop-offs on foot or by bike. What would you do as Councilmember to improve active transportation options around schools, public transit, and in commercial districts to provide better transportation options for District 7 residents?

I have actively advocated and successfully help several schools better embrace safe routes to school.  I have led and rallied students and faculty on national walk to school day.  We must start give up our car-centric culture.  We have great weather and in a city like Pasadena active transit is a great option …terrific sidewalks, growing bike infrastructure, excellent urban forest, etc.  It is both about changing mindsets and building capacity.  I walk 20 – 30 miles per week including 2 – 3 days when I don’t start my car.  My kids have been walking to school since 3rd grade.  We MUST lead by example.  Achieving critical mass across various active transit modalities drives adoption.

3. If elected, what would you do to reduce preventable, serious and fatal traffic collisions in the City of Pasadena? Would you support the implementation of a local Vision Zero policy?

Absolutely and voted for it.  I work closely with our complete street coalition.  I have also personally visited and done workshops with transit staff to address high risk intersections and seek new solutions… they are probably tired of me!

4. Over the past 3 years, Pasadena Playhouse District members, City staff, and local residents have worked on planning the Playhouse Parklets Pilot ( In the coming few months, a final decision will be made by the Council whether to move forward with implementing the pilot project, which would install the city’s first parklets, add reverse angled parking to the district, calm traffic, and improve street safety. Do you support implementation of the Colorado Blvd parklets pilot in the Playhouse District? Why or why not?

I have publicly supported the project and specifically cited this project as a case study in my recent talk on civic innovation:  It is about place making and slowing down traffic on non arterials so that people can move around safely and enjoy the amenities of a growing commercial district.

5. Bike share systems have started to be installed across Los Angeles County and are slated to expand to Pasadena, but as systems expand, experts foresee three major obstacles: stations that are discontinuous/too far apart, stations with unsafe walking conditions that limit access, and systems that are out of reach for low-income residents. What areas would you like to see bike share expanded to in and around Pasadena, and what should the City be doing to make these systems more accessible, affordable, and useful to all Pasadena residents?

I have participated in the development of our bikeshare program and kiosk location.  I think we need to be balance the density of the network with trying to serve everyone.  The key is to prove the network through usage and benefit and then expand the reach …if we get too diffuse too early we won’t achieve success and won’t be able to scale.  I love the fact that we used crowd-sourced input to refine the kiosk locations.  I think we need to keep in mind that this is part of a multi-modal solution and not a standalone solution for folks that can benefit from bike access (which would be a different program and would probably have merit on its own)

6. Pasadena’s local transit provider, Pasadena Transit, suffers from limited service, especially on weekends and evenings. Do you support improving Pasadena Transit headways and service to provide local residents with more viable transit options in the City? What methods can the City employ to fund better service?

I am a huge fan or public transit as part of our active transit system.  That being said, I am wondering if micro-transit (think lyft or autonomous mini-vans) might be a more cost effective solutions than running having transit.  So conceptually I am on board we need to come up with a business model that works esp with the pending budget challenges related to growing retirement assessments.

Below is 2017 Pasadena City Council District 7 Candidate Alejandro Menchaca’s full questionnaire response to Bike The Vote L.A.:

1. What future do you see for active mobility and public transit in the daily lives of those who live, work, and go to school in Pasadena?

One of my campaign’s central tenets is Walkability. I live in the heart of the South Lake Avenue District and regularly walk, but options can be limited. I want to revitalize the business core and the District at large by enhancing the Walkability of the District such that people can live, bike, dine, play and work in Pasadena. This will reduce our carbon footprint, grow business, increase property values and reduce traffic congestion. As biking and walking are key to creating a more thriving Pasadena, I support the Complete Streets initiatives, help create a protected bike network that connects businesses, schools, parks, and installing creative Wayfinding Signs.

2. Pasadena’s traffic is compounded by the reality that many parents and workers don’t feel safe commuting even short distances or performing school drop-offs on foot or by bike. What would you do as Councilmember to improve active transportation options around schools, public transit, and in commercial districts to provide better transportation options for District 7 residents?

As set forth above, work to map out a Protected Bike Network that includes schools. Also, I would analyze traffic calming measures nearby schools.

3. If elected, what would you do to reduce preventable, serious and fatal traffic collisions in the City of Pasadena? Would you support the implementation of a local Vision Zero policy?

Yes, I support it. We must explore various traffic calming measures, and exploring making streets more “skinny” and other measures while also ascertaining their impacts on traffic congestion.

4. Over the past 3 years, Pasadena Playhouse District members, City staff, and local residents have worked on planning the Playhouse Parklets Pilot ( In the coming few months, a final decision will be made by the Council whether to move forward with implementing the pilot project, which would install the city’s first parklets, add reverse angled parking to the district, calm traffic, and improve street safety. Do you support implementation of the Colorado Blvd parklets pilot in the Playhouse District? Why or why not?

Yes, I support this Parklets Project. Some folks have expressed concerns that this will have an catastrophic effect on traffic or tie up traffic along Green and Union. The concept of induced demand holds that this will likely have the opposite effect. In cities that have lost major thoroughfares, the impact on nearby streets has been far less than imagined and in many instances, the traffic simply disappeared. The Parklets will help create a cultural core bringing together the Playhouse, the Lamelees Theater and Vromans and enhance walkability.

5. Bike share systems have started to be installed across Los Angeles County and are slated to expand to Pasadena, but as systems expand, experts foresee three major obstacles: stations that are discontinuous/too far apart, stations with unsafe walking conditions that limit access, and systems that are out of reach for low-income residents. What areas would you like to see bike share expanded to in and around Pasadena, and what should the City be doing to make these systems more accessible, affordable, and useful to all Pasadena residents?

DTLA has done a great job of seeking the input of Residents when it comes to the expansion of bike lanes and the expansion of green space. They often hosts festivals or online surveys polls. I would do the same and ask Pasadena residents where they would like to see these Bike Share systems installed and gather said data. Yes, my concern is that most of these systems will be installed south of the 210 in more affluent areas and such systems should also be installed north of the 210 where obesity disproportionately affects minority communities.

6. Pasadena’s local transit provider, Pasadena Transit, suffers from limited service, especially on weekends and evenings. Do you support improving Pasadena Transit headways and service to provide local residents with more viable transit options in the City? What methods can the City employ to fund better service?

I would certainly explore such an expansion, but I also explore and support a shuttle service that takes Pasadena residents directly to various points of interest in the City.