Below is 2017

Bike The Vote L.A.

City Council District 7 endorsement Monica Rodriguez’ full questionnaire response to Bike The Vote L.A.:

1. What role do you see for walking, transit, and biking in the daily lives of Angelenos, particularly those who lack access to cars and rely on these other modes as their primary way of getting around?

I understand that for many working families that these are the only modes of transportation available and recognize the important role they play in the daily lives of Angelenos who rely on them as their primary transit options. I believe and hope that the use of walking and biking will continue to grow as that we continue to expand the regional bus and rail network and people become less reliant on cars. It is also the role of policy makers to ensure that all Angelenos have access to safe modes of transportation.

2. A high percentage of people without access to cars in Northeast Los Angeles, especially immigrants, depend on bikes as a way to get to work and school, but lack safe options to commute. Additionally the prevalence of speeding on L.A. streets takes a deadly toll on those who walk and bike, including seniors and children. Mobility Plan 2035 established “safety first” as the priority in transportation decisions, and the City has since adopted the ‘Vision Zero’ program with the goal of eliminating traffic-deaths within 10 years. Do you support prioritizing the safety of Los Angeles’ most vulnerable commuters, both in CD7 on High Injury Network streets like Van Nuys Blvd and Foothill Blvd, and throughout Los Angeles, even when there may be trade-offs in terms of automotive travel time or on-street parking?

Yes. I strongly support expanding protected bike lanes, improving pedestrian safety, and traffic calming measures. I also believe that there are many locations where we can eliminate traffic deaths and improve mobility without dramatically limiting automotive travel time. As a life long resident of the Northeast San Fernando Valley, I am familiar with the corridors and the tragedies that have occurred on the High Injury Network in the district and have worked along side community members and parent groups by coordinating meetings with Vision Zero Staff and Transportation Commissioners to ensure that the community has access to the city departments and resources working to address these issues as Council member I will continue to lead this effort.

3. Los Angeles’ traffic woes are compounded by the reality that many parents and workers don’t feel safe commuting even short distances or performing school drop-offs on foot or by bike. What would you do as Councilmember to improve active transportation options around schools, public transit, and in commercial districts to provide better transportation options for CD7 residents?

This is important to address as it is directly linked to promoting the use of our bus and rail systems. Commuters rely on biking or walking to make bus and rail transfers. Working to implement the goals and initiatives of the Mobility Plan is essential as is coordinating with the appropriate agencies to prioritize high traffic and high risk locations for pedestrian and traffic calming measures.

4. Angelenos recently approved Metro’s transportation funding plan, Measure M, with an impressive mandate of support from over 71% of voters. The East San Fernando Valley Corridor project – a light rail or bus rapid transit line running along Van Nuys Blvd and San Fernando Road – is set to be one of the first projects to be funded under the Measure.  How do you see this project transforming the way that people get around the 7th District; and what role do you see for first and last mile pedestrian, bike, and transit connections in the success of this transit line?

The Orange Line has the 2nd highest boarding in the San Fernando Valley but is also slowed by traffic. As one of our region’s busiest and traveled corridors, this project will be a great and much needed addition to our transit infrastructure. As I stated previously, I strongly believe that robust bike and pedestrian infrastructure is critical to this project’s success. It will help promote use by making the transfer process and overall experience safer. I support dedicated bike lanes, traffic calming and road designs that improve pedestrian safety while connecting this line to our overall transit network.

5. The Pacoima Wash Greenway is a multi-modal corridor which links parks, schools, and services to the San Gabriel Mountains. This project has been in the works since 2006 and has broad community support. A portion of this project was recently funded by a state Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant receiving the second highest score; however, the funded portion is entirely within the City of San Fernando. Will you commit to work toward extending the greenway into Sylmar, Pacoima, and eventually to the Los Angeles River as called for in the Pacoima Wash Vision Plan?

Yes. This is important for the Northeast Valley as a community the lacks access to open space and parks.

6. Los Angeles is beginning to employ bike share as a new transportation option, but many barriers to access remain, particularly the cost of riding and the fact that a credit card is needed to use the system. Some cities have offered subsidies to low-income riders and cash payment options to address these issues. What can the City of Los Angeles do to help as many residents as possible enjoy the benefits that bike share will bring?

While many of these bike share programs are in the early pilot stages it is important to explore all options to make these assets accessible to everyone. Allowing the use of the TAP cards for payment as well as cash payment options and subsidy programs should be part of that strategy.