2020 Los Angeles CD12 Endorsement: Loraine Lundquist
Primary Election: Saturday, February 22 – Tuesday, March 3
Find your Council District: http://neighborhoodinfo.lacity.org/
Find a voting center: https://locator.lavote.net/locations/vc
Candidate Campaign Page: https://www.loraineforla.com/
In 2019, Los Angeles held a special election to represent City Council District 12, resulting in an extremely close result electing John Lee to City Council. Bike The Vote L.A. wholeheartedly endorsed scientist, environmentalist, grassroots activist, Loraine Lundquist in this election. As Los Angeles shifts to align its city council elections with presidential elections for the first time in 2020, the landscape for voter turnout is destined to transform dramatically. Bike The Vote L.A. renews its endorsement of Loraine Lundquist for City Council in her inspiring and important 2020 campaign.
Located in the northwest San Fernando Valley, CD12 has long been plagued by dangerous speeding and deadly crashes. The District is the unfortunate home to an epidemic of street racing and ever-increasing speed limits on dangerous streets. The 40,000 students enrolled at Cal State Northridge have few efficient transit options for commuting to campus and face hostile streets for walking and biking. The area is projected to suffer more extreme heat days in the coming decades as climate change continues to impact residents’ health and quality of life. In light of these daunting challenges, the northwest Valley deserves an unapologetically progressive leader to set the district on a more sustainable course.
Lundquist brings a fresh perspective as a community advocate, having served on the Northridge East Neighborhood Council and fought against natural gas extraction in the Porter Ranch area, both before and after the 2015 Aliso Canyon blowout. She’s also served as the neighborhood council’s homelessness liaison and argued for addressing L.A.’s homelessness crisis humanely. Clearly determined to walk the walk on sustainability, Lundquist is a daily bike commuter and primarily utilizes transit when traveling further afield with her family.
In response to Bike The Vote L.A.’s 2019 candidate questionnaire ahead of the special election, Lundquist offered specific commitments to putting safety first, including detailed policy prescriptions addressing infrastructure, carpooling, land use, tree canopy, ADA accessibility, and more. She has shown that she’s willing to prioritize safety for people walking and biking, pledging to use data to target the district’s most dangerous intersections and implement needed changes. Lundquist’s uncommon expertise on transportation clearly draws from her own daily bike commute to campus and her family’s reliance on transit.
Lundquist has an outstanding transportation policy platform, an exceptional knowledge of urban sustainability, and a long record of community leadership. If elected, she’ll be a strong ally of the safe streets movement and an effective advocate for her community in City Hall. Bike The Vote L.A. proudly endorses Loraine Lundquist for L.A. City Council District 12.
If you’d like to assist Lundquist’s campaign with donations or volunteer time, you can find opportunities on her website, loraineforla.com. As we did during the 2019 special election, Bike The Vote L.A. will be organizing volunteer events to support this important campaign, so keep an eye out for announcements from us on our social media platforms.